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Desteya Rêveberiya me ya Herêmî
Walî bi rêkûpêk serdana dibistanê dikin û bi zarok û xebatkaran re hevdîtin û sohbetê dikin. Dema ku ew diçin dersan, Gotûbêjên Şagirtan li dar dixin, Kontrola Xebatê dikin û bi dêûbav û mamosteyan re dicivin, di dibistanê de her dem Roja Walîtiyê heye. Ew jî beşdarî çalakî û civînên li dibistanê dibin. Ev rê dide wan ku bibînin ka sîyaset û planên dibistanê çawa têne danîn, çavkanî çawa têne bikar anîn, û dihêle ku ew agahdarî û zanîna dibistanê berhev bikin.

Waliyên me komek cihêreng ji kesan in ku nûnertiya dêûbav, xebatkarên dibistanê û civata herêmî dikin, bi cûrbecûr jêhatîbûn û ezmûnan. Ew hemî armancek hevpar parve dikin ku alîkariya dibistanê bikin ku pêşve biçe û pêşde bibe û, bi vî rengî, ji zarokên xwe re perwerdehiya çêtirîn peyda bike.

Hemû walî dildar in.

Desteya Rêveberiya Herêmî herî kêm her dem carekê dicive. Walî beşdarî perwerdehiya ku ji derve tê dayîn û her serdemê jî beşdarî perwerdehiya LGB ya 'li malê' dibin. Serokê me yê aktîv, Rachel Proctor, di heman demê de bi Serokên dibistanên din ên Thrive re li ser bingehek demkî hevdîtin dike.

Berpirsiyarên Walî
Dibistan Rêwîtiyek Pêşveçûna Dibistanê (SDJ) hildiberîne ku tê de Pêşengiyên Serekî yên ji bo çêtirkirina sê salên pêş de û ka dê çawa werin bidestxistin.  Walî bi karmendan re bi hev re dixebitin ku van pêşîniyên sereke bi dest bixin. Walî ji nêz ve bi karmendan re li ser 'Sê Ramanên Mezin' dixebitin ku sê beşên sereke yên xebata çêtirkirinê ne ku di SDJ de hatine destnîşankirin.

Governors Attendance 2023-24

Emma Newby

Role: Chair of Governors
Business Interests: None​

My background is in Social Work and I have worked in the Boulevard community as a Family Support Worker for the last 15 years.  During that time I have gained a huge amount of insight into Chiltern’s local community and have been an enthusiastic supporter of the work the school has done to engage with that community.  I am currently training to be a Play Therapist and am fortunate to work in a number of other Thrive Trust schools delivering this work.  I have 2 daughters at Chiltern and am passionate about encouraging the school’s work to provide the best education that they can to every child in their care.

Jacqui Marshall 

Role: Head of School
Business Interests: None​

Veronica Voinea 

Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None

My name is Veronica Voinea. I wanted to become a Governor because it is an excellent opportunity to allow me to get involved in the English education of my boys.

My skills and experiences in my studies will make a great contribution in the school. I love working with children and communicating with people. I was a Teacher in Primary and Secondary school in my country and was involved with the school olympics and librarian activities.

I am able to build relationships with a range of people, to work as part of a team and the ability to make a connection between different types of information.

Millie Painter 

Role: Staff Governor
Business Interests: None

I became a member of the team here at Chiltern Primary School in 2021 after beginning my teaching career at Priory Primary, one of our partner schools within Thrive Trust. In my early career I worked alongside lots of families within our locality in my role as a family support volunteer. The combination of community work and my role in education has ignited a spark in me to encourage and support teaching, learning and opportunities within our school. Being a Governor at Chiltern Primary School will help me to provide support to my Chiltern colleagues and represent my team on the governing body.

Rachel Welsh

Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None

I have worked in Hull education for 20 years. For the last 9 years, I have worked at The Boulevard Academy, and I am currently the Vice Principal.  I work closely with Chiltern and St Georges on a project called Cradle to Career, specifically looking at an all-through curriculum. Being a Governor at Chiltern will help me to provide support to Chiltern colleagues, further develop my understanding of primary education, and enable me to support the transition process of Chiltern students. Ultimately, to collectively strive to provide a world class education within the Trust for the students within our locality.

Ruta Golumbevska

Role: Parent Governor
Business Interests: None


Revd. Richard Coutts

Role: Co-opted Governor
Business Interests: None

My name is Richard Coutts and I've had several different professions, including; secondary teaching, software development, professional training, and the varied work of a Church of England vicar. I live and work very locally, at St John the Baptist church. I've served on the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education, and worked closely with lots of schools during the last two decades. I hope I can help contribute to Chiltern Primary and its life. My wife is a vicar too, and I have two grown up daughters. I really value the opportunity to engage in the future governance of Chiltern Primary School. 


Vikki Mitchell (Parent Governor) - Resigned 14/04/24

Mihaela IIie (Parent Governor) - Resigned 08/07/24

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