School Uniform
Children are required to wear school uniform for school.
Grey/black smart trousers or skirt/pinafore
Red sweatshirt/cardigan (with or without school logo)
White/Red polo top
Flat black shoes
Trainers (for use at playtime and lunchtime and outdoor P.E.)
The school uniform is the same throughout the year. No seasonal items.
These can be purchased from the supermarkets at a reasonable cost. If you would like a jumper with a logo please follow this link Chiltern logo jumpers and cardigans.
For PE children will need
Black shorts
White t-shirt
Black tracksuit bottoms (plain, for outdoor PE)
Trainers/Sandshoes for outside activities
P.E. kit should be kept in a named drawstring bag
P.E. kit should be kept in school all week and returned home for washing at weekends and holidays.
Please ensure hair slides, ribbons, bobbles and hijabs are in school colours.​​​​​
For safety reasons, it is advised that children should not wear jewellery in school. However, a wrist watch may be worn and is the child’s responsibility. Stud earrings can be worn. (These cannot be worn during P.E. sessions. If ears have been recently pierced, they need to be covered by Elastoplasts provided by parents/carers.) If children forget to take jewlery off before they come to school it will be placed in an envelope for safekeeping and can be collected by an adult at the end of the day from the office. If children cannot take earing out they will be covered with tape to prevent them getting caught.
​Please ensure that all items are labelled clearly with the child's name. Items can then be quickly returned. Each classroom has a lost property box.
Mobile phones must not be brought to school. If children in Year 6 need them as they are walking home alone, then they must be labeled and stored in the teachers box in the cupboard. Staff do not take any responsibility for the loss of these.
Year Four and Five Swimming lessons during the summer term:-
Girls: one piece costume
Boys: swimming trunks/shorts
Goggles may be worn
New to you uniform
Items can be found at 'Chat and Choose,' which takes place on Thursday mornings at school. ​
Alternatively please see the link below.
Click below on the facebook page link:
(9) RE: Uniform | Facebook​​​​​​​​​